God Is Closer Than You Think

February 2005


This document contains last minute information about the following:

System Requirements
Frequently Asked Questions
Tech Support


Minimum System Requirements:




Supported Platforms

Mac OS X v.10.2.8 or 10.3

Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2), Windows XP



  • Power Macintosh G3 or higher,
  • 128 MB of RAM
  • 128 MB of available hard disk-space
  • 800 x 600 minimum screen resolution
  • thousands of colors


  • Microsoft PowerPoint 98 Viewer (Provided), requires Mac OS 10 running in Classic Mode
  • Pentium III processor or higher
  • 128 MB of RAM
  • 90 MB of available hard-disk space
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, Netscape 7
  • 800 x 600 minimum screen resolution
  • 16-bit high color

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Using the material on the CD-ROM


If you have Adobe Reader and Microsoft PowerPoint installed, you can easily view the PDF files and PowerPoint presentations that are on this CD-ROM. If you do not have these programs on your computer, please review the system requirements above and install either Adobe Reader or the PowerPoint Viewer either by clicking the Installers button in the bottom right of the program's window, or by navigating to the Installers folder on the CD-ROM. Then, simply double-click on the appropriate installer.


Please note that this CD-ROM contains the installer for Adobe Reader 7.0. If you have a system not listed in the System Requirements, and you would like to view the PDF files, please visit www.Adobe.com to download other versions that are compatible with your system.


Home. This presents a video welcome from John Ortberg. The video should play automatically when the program starts. Just follow the on-screen instructions.


Campaign Overview. The timeline, along with the text that appears in this section of the program, which covers the Campaign Overview, are also available in PDF format. Not only will the PDF file allow you to print the timeline, but the rest of the detail on implementing the campaign is also contained in that file. Open this file either by clicking Open Campaign Timeline PDF under the Campaign Overview section of the program or by exploring the CD-ROM and opening the file named GodIsCloserImplement.pdf from the Files folder.


Campaign Tools. This section of the program contains complete sermons, the associated PowerPoint presentations and a video message from John Ortberg. To read the complete sermons for each week, select the appropriate week on the left and then click the Open PDF button to view the entire document. The PowerPoint presentations for each week can be saved to a location on your hard drive by clicking the Save Sermon PowerPoint button.


All PDF and PowerPoint files are located in the ôFilesö folder found on the CD-ROM.



Windows« is registered of Microsoft Corporation. PowerPoint« is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh« is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Adobe« Reader«is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.



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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Nothing happens when I put the CD in the drive. How do I start the program?
2. How do I keep the program from appearing when I put the CD in the drive?
3. Can I install God Is Closer Than You Think to my hard drive?
4. The video is skipping. How do I fix it?
5. I can't find an installers button or an exit button. Where are they?
6. How do I run the PowerPoint files that I saved to my hard drive?

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1. Nothing happens when I put the CD in the drive. How do I start the program?

On Windows, go to your Start menu and select Run. Type, "D:/God_is_Closer.exe" (substituting "D" with the letter of your CD-ROM drive if different) and select OK. Then, follow the on-screen instructions.


On Mac, double-click on the "God is Closer.ocx" file on the CD-ROM and the program will open. Then, follow the on-screen instructions.


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2. How do I keep the program from launching every time I put the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive?

For Windows users, simply hold down the shift key as you close the drive. Do not let up for about 30 seconds or wait until you hear your drive stop spinning.


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3. Can I install God Is Closer Than You Think to my hard drive?

Yes, you can. Simply copy the contents of the CD-ROM to a preferred location on your hard drive. Make sure you have approximately 150 MB of available hard drive space and follow these steps.


On Windows, go to My Computer and right-click on the CD-ROM drive and select Copy. Navigate to a location on your hard drive where you would like to copy these files. Right-click in that location and select Paste.


On Macintosh, simply hold down the Option key and drag the CD-ROM icon to a location on your hard drive where you'd like these files installed and let up on the mouse button.  The files will automatically begin to copy.


Then, double-click on the God Is Closer application icon and the program will open.


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4. The video is skipping. How do I fix it?

To improve performance, if you minimize the amount of programs and files that you are running can help. Also, if it has been a while since you have restarted your computer, try that as well.


Sometimes, on older computer systems, the speed of the CD-ROM drive can also impact how well the video plays. Copying the files to your hard drive improves the performance dramatically. To do this, follow the steps in the question above.


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5. I can't find an installers button or an exit button. Where are they?

The Installers button is located at the very bottom of the window. To make sure you can view the entire window of the application, click on the top of the window and move it up. If your monitor is set to 800 x 600 and the window is filling the screen, change your taskbar settings so they are not locked.

Windows users do this by right-clicking on the task bar and select Properties. Check the "Auto-hide the taskbar" option and press okay. Your taskbar will then disappear until you move your mouse all the way to the bottom of the screen. The Installers buttons should now be viewable.

Your last option is to simply change your screen resolution to larger than 800 x 600. Please see your computers help system for detailed instructions on changing your settings.


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6. How do I run the PowerPoint files that I saved to my hard drive?

Using the PowerPoint« Presentations

The God Is Closer Than You Think CD-ROM contains PowerPoint« presentations in the Campaign Tools section of the program. They can be found with each of the sermons and saved to your hard drive by clicking Save Sermon Powerpoint.

In order to use the PowerPoint« presentations, either the full version of PowerPoint« or the PowerPoint« Viewer must be installed on your computer. If you do not have PowerPoint« installed, please install the Viewer from this CD-ROM by following the instructions in the God Is Closer application.

If you own a copy of PowerPoint, simply open the file in PowerPoint. See the help system for information on how to run your version. If you do not own PowerPoint, included on this disk is the PowerPoint Viewer.

Viewing and Printing the Presentations in PowerPoint«:

1. If PowerPoint« is installed on your computer, simply open the file you copied to your hard drive, or navigate to the CD-ROM and open it from the Files folder. (If PowerPoint is not installed, press the Installers button in the bottom right corner of the application and click the Install button next to PowerPoint Viewer. Follow the on-screen instructions.) 

2. If you have installed the presentations to your hard drive or plan to use them from the CD-ROM, you can open them using the following instructions.

3. Open Microsoft PowerPoint«.

4. Once open, go to the File menu and select Open.

5. Navigate to the CD-ROM or folder on your hard drive to which you've saved the files and select the file you would like to view. Click Open. 

6. To view the presentation on your computer, navigate to the View menu and select Slide Show to begin. (You may hit the Escape key at any time to stop the presentation.) 

7. To print the presentation, go to the File menu and select Print. The print dialog box will appear. Press the Print button to begin printing.

Viewing and Printing the Presentations in the PowerPoint« Viewer:

1. If you have installed the presentations to your hard drive or plan to use them from the CD-ROM, you can open them using the following instructions. 

2. Open the PowerPoint« Viewer.

3. From the PowerPoint« Viewer dialogue box, navigate to the CD-ROM and select the file you need from the Files folder. 

4. To view the presentation on your computer, click Show. (You may hit the Escape key at any time to stop the presentation.) 

5. To print the presentation, press the Print button. The print dialog box will appear. Press the Print button to begin printing.


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Technical Support

Before contacting Zondervan Technical Support, please read through the Frequently Asked Questions to make sure your issue hasn't already been covered. If not, please gather the following information before contacting tech support.

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